The Angels can give you more clarity around a situation or a specific area in your life. They cannot give “yes” or “no” answers, but what they can do is help you decide through signs.
e.g. You decide that you want to know if now is the right time for a career change. You have been in your current job for many years but have always wanted to run your own business.
You can simply ask the question
Is now the right time for me to have a career change? Please give me a sign?
The signs could be a conversation you hear or even an advert on the telly. Once you have noticed the signs, asked for them to be given to you three times. The reason for this is so that you can be sure that what you have received does, in fact, relate to your question.
When you have your answer you can then make a choice on the best course of action for you.
It could be that the time is favourable and you see a sign that says “Run your own life” and two more similar to this.
On the other hand, the answer could be “Train Your Brain And Learn Something New.” A sign that now is not the time to change jobs, but to enrol in training courses or even ask the Archangels to bring forward a teacher to help you gain the skills you require or lead you in the right direction.
Nothing is impossible, but sometimes going from A to B takes a little time and you may need to expand and grow in other areas first.
Don’t be surprised if you find yourself taking a job that takes you completely away from your dream job. You may wonder why you have been lead down this path. The answer is to run your own business you need lots of different skills. At first, it may not seem relevant but as time goes on it will become more relevant and clearer to you.
Career is just one area that the Angels can help with, you could require help with relationships, finances or even a house move.
The principles are the same for each area.
Some people want to know if they will win the lottery, the Angels can’t tell you that. They can tell you how you can become more financially viable or how to increase your finances.
Practice, the more you practice the easier it becomes.
“This week I will practice writing my questions to the Angels”