There are many angels in the world and each group sits within a specific sphere. There are 9 ranks of Angels, 3 in each sphere
In the middle, we have source energy, and this is where God resides. Working outwards from source.
- Sphere 1 contains the Seraphim, Cherubim and the Thrones, they are heavenly servants to God
- Sphere 2 contains the Dominions, Virtues and Powers/Authorities, they work as heavenly governors, they guide and rule
- Sphere 3 contains the Principalities, Archangels and Angels, they, work to guide, protect and send messages to human beings. This is the only sphere we have direct contact with
Here I will go into detail about each group and their purpose:
Sphere 1
They are the closest Angels to God. They protect God and never stop serving God. They have six wings and many eyes. One pair of wings for flight, one for covering their face and the other their feet. Seraphim’s burn very brightly and all the other Angel’s cannot look at them. Their purpose is to help keep vibrations high and maintain it. They convey positive energy all the way down to the other Angelic groups and the physical realm here on earth
The cherubim were created at the beginning of time and have no real form. When Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden Of Eden two Cherubim guard the entrance and keep it protected. They sit with God in heaven
Working on the universal records is something that they do and they help people grow spiritually to help them bring more of God’s love, peace and compassion into their life
They urge you to give up your sins and show remorse. In return, you will be forgiven and receive gratitude for having an honest heart
Thrones help lower Angels Access God
They are a messenger between God and the other Angels
Inspiring faith is their biggest mission
Often described as the wheels with eyes
Can be seen holding symbols that represent truth, balance and justice
Sphere 2
Angels of leadership, they regulate the duties of the Angels
They assist in delivering God’s justice into unjust situations
Show mercy to human beings
They work to do what is truly best in sometimes very difficult situations
These Angels are those through which signs and miracles are made
They encourage people to strengthen their faith in God
Sending positive messages of hope to you is something that they will do
Ensure the cosmos remains in order
They are like a wheel that is constantly turning
They control the seasons, moon, stars and earth
Inspiring Saints to do good work on behalf of God
Powers/ Authorities
Distribute power among mankind
Also known as the warrior angels, they look like soldiers wearing armour and yield weapons for protection
They are also Angels of death and rebirth and it is thought that they guide us as we transition to heaven
Direct and guide lost souls back to heaven
Sphere 3
The Angels that protect religions and groups of people
They influence world leaders to do the right thing in the world
They work with Guardian Angels
Encourage prayer and spiritual development
They are seen wearing a crown and carrying a scepter (Wand or staff)
Messenger Angel or Leader
Worker of miracles
They work for God and all have a specific area that they work in
We can communicate with them and them us
They help and guide us in our life
Messengers to mankind
They all have different tasks
Their main duty is to assist mankind
Guardian Angels are also within here each of us is assigned our very own at birth
This level is the nearest to us so we are able to communicate with them
For details about each Archangel and how they can help you visit my page below