This gentleman made his presence known to me by standing next to my bed. I could see the man very clearly. He was an old Gentleman and had a flat cap on. He looked about 75 years old.
He was what you call “Earth bound” and had not passed over. I closed my eyes and could see him he was sitting on a very large wall and was swinging his legs back and forth. Then he jumped down from where he was.
He stayed here because it was familiar to him and he couldn’t let go.
I could see a door behind him and it slowly opened and a little old lady with white hair was standing there.
I told him to not be afraid and that he would be well looked after, that there was nothing to fear on the other side and that he will not be alone. I asked the Angels to help escort him and as I prayed he walked through the door and was gone.
Sometimes people cannot go to the light, out of fear, or they just cannot let go. This gentleman wanted to go the light and came to me for help. With the help of the Angels and prayers I was able to do that.