Messages come from the soul to you and then you speak or write the words.
All we are doing is helping you understand that it is not that hard for you to hear us and that you can do this. Stop holding yourself back.
In the beginning we knew that you were having difficulty in accepting your gifts and we now see that you are practicing and inviting us in more and more.
Forgive me if I have not introduced myself I am a guide from another dimension and my name is Eqelore.
Eqelore means peaceful mind, soul and existence and I work with people to calm their mind.
Your mind has been racing quite a lot from one thing to another hasn’t it?
At night you don’t sleep well and snore very loudly. You are scared I know and I will help you with this.
Your family is all well so you do not need to worry about them
I am here and will help you