Our work is never finished here in the heavenly realms and we are always doing something to help someone. There were times when I thought that having time to myself was what I wanted, but I now find that I get so much more joy out of helping others and seeing their growth in all sorts of ways.
You learn so much as well yourself when you are here. The time it takes you to walk to the end of the road I have learnt a whole new topic. This just shows you how time moves so fast.
I was born in England and I lived with my parents for many years. Then I got married and had four children. Each child was different and it was explained to me that my children were my eyes. Each of them could see how the world was changing and each of them had a very important role to play. My daughter Ava Francesca was a spiritual leader. She taught many people, mainly women how to connect to their higher self and how to improve their self worth.
My eldest son Marcus was a lawyer he too had a very demanding job, but one that he took because he knew it would help others.
Arthur was a cleaner, he had a very different role, but taking care of things, looking after them, and taking pride in everything you have is something that was dear to him.
My last child unfortunately died when she was 3. She had pneumonia. She was a very loving child and would sit with me for hours. She helped me with the baking and loved pastry. I named her after my Aunt Rose, she too sadly passed away when she was young.
My husband Alfred collects ornaments. Anything that nobody else wants he finds a home for them. He does sell them as well. He had a job as a farmer on a big piece of land. They rear horses and cattle, the children when little would often go with him.
I myself stay around here and visit the town for bread and milk a few times a week. I stop and talk to all the families on the way there and back. .
Over here in heaven I tend to families and support them. They ask for my help with the children and I am grateful that I have so many friends here. I do know some of them, but others I have come to know while I have been here. We all get transported to different realms, and when we have served our time there, we will move on to the next.
I am seeing ghosts at the end of the road, I don’t know who they are. They have no human form, I can just make out a figure. I am not scared, not all of us decide to take on a human form when we show ourselves, some prefer to be light or a figure. I say ghost as this is a term I would use back on earth. It just means without body.
Over the years I have had many challenges to contend with. My health and losing some of my family, but we take care of one another here and nobody is on their own. I had a good life and died well into my eighties, I was eighty two when I died. I didn’t come straight here but to a resting place first. It’s not a hospital but a bit like a nursing home. I stayed there for a few months and then came here. I don’t know how long I have been here, but it is nice and I am in no rush to go anywhere. My father and mother visit me most days and we have tea outside. My children are here with me also and little Rose is here and still helping me with the baking and pastry. Not all children appear to you as they were when they died. A friend of mine lost a baby and she has been reunited with him, but he is a grown man when she sees him. All babies that don’t make it to full term have a place here. They are loved and they love you back also. There is no sense of loss here either, we don’t feel sad, we don’t get jealous, we just love everyone.
I have really enjoyed sharing my life with you it has been a pleasure. I want to tell you that My name is Victoria.
Look after yourself and family
Love V xx