A postcard was sent to Miss E Clark, 89 Ashby Road, Loughborough in August of 1906.
The postcard reads the following:
Dear Evie
Uncle told me you thought of coming to see me on Tuesday. It is not visiting day tomorrow, so I shall not be able to show you round. If you could come Wed, I could show you round then. I am going on nicely so far and I like it better. I shall be pleased to see you. Hoping you enjoyed yourself on sat. (Next word is not legible). I shall be on the look out in case you should come. Grand weather Love to all Beatie xx
Picture Of The Convalescent Home – Charnwood Forest
The home opened in 1894 by the Duke of Rutland
They were not hospitals but somehwhere the hospitals sent people that needed extra recovery time. They were surrounded by fresh air, and beautiful scenery, some were by the sea.
Men and women had seperate bedrooms but were able to eat together. Visitors were allowed to come, but as stated by Beattie on the postcard only on certain days.
Musical entertaiments were also put on.
The home continued until 1950.
Today in 2023 it is still standing and is now run by Priory Adult Care. It is for adults over 18. A specialist residential and supported living accomadation for people with Autism and brain injuries and other mental health conditions.