I was now living on Burder Street. I knew the Street well and the surrounding ones as I visited my Granny and Aunt Vera when they lived down here and also my friends.
Instead of a flat I now lived in a shared house and it was owned by a friend of the family.
Two people were already living here and they were both men. Adam and Little Johnny. They were both lovely lads and i was very lucky to be living with nice people again.
We had a shared house that had a table in the lounge were you could eat your dinner and a few sofa’s and a TV. I sat in here sometimes. Mostly when I was cooking or chatting to Adam and John as they came in from shopping.
I had been interested in the spirit world for sometime now and the experiences I had at the Highbury Guest House were very real. I’m not sure how I came across it, but I had a book by Doris Stokes. Doris Stokes was a clairaudient medium which meant she could hear spirits talking to her. I think this is what caught my eye, as I had read about mediums, but most of them received images. I was fascinated by Doris because she could hear the dead and so could I, so I wanted to find out more about this, to see if what I was experiencing was similar.
Ouija Board
Let me say “Never Ever” use this to contact the spirit world, especially if you are not trained or know what you are doing.
When you are young like I was you can easily be led by other people. One night in the Greyhound pub a group of friends decided that they wanted to try this out. I didn’t want to, but they said that if I didn’t join in then it wouldn’t work. So I reluctantly sat down and we sat in a circle with our hands on the table. A glass was placed upside down on the table and around the table were each letter of the alphabet from A – Z. Next we had to put one finger on the glass. We did this and then people would take it in turns to ask a question. As each person asked a question nothing happened. Then someone said that I should say something. So I did, I asked a question and then the glass started to move to each letter spelling out an answer to my question. I asked another and another and so on. Someone else would have a go again and nothing and then I would go again and it moved again. This really freaked me out a bit. Why did it move for me and nobody else? The questions weren’t complicated and my questions were just like anyone else’s.
The evening ended. We were all a bit freaked and smashed the glass, as we were told to do so to break the connection.
I didn’t sleep that night and finally got off about four in the morning and this went on for a few weeks.
It was later said to me that people thought I was pushing the glass and that it was all a fake.
I can tell you now it wasn’t a fake and the glass did move of it’s own accord. I didn’t want to do it in the first place, so I had nothing to proof to anybody, I couldn’t care less if it didn’t move, but it did and it moved for me.
So be warned, Don’t dabble in things that are not safe and you know nothing about