Making Precious time for yourself is very important. Fear not you are worthy of much love and many things.
I ask of you to pray with me today for all the souls who have lost their way including you. You have been born this way a way of helping others in time of need.
You are not sure if you will ever be happy again or recover, but you will. My darling child, I have watched over you since you were born, I have saved you many times although you may not know it or be aware of it. It is time for me to be real and be a part of your life.
I want you to call on me when you need me. You do not need to worry for I am always here. I love you very much and ask that you pray each week for the souls of the lost. They need your help and want to be free of their fears and self doubt. Only you can overcome your own fears. You have to be brave and face them. You can do this I know you can. Being sensitive is not easy for you I know, but this is what makes you special and why people come to you dead or alive. I am trying to help you move forward so you have more purpose in your life. At the moment you are a bit stuck. Let me tell you that you will be fine and happy again. You have alot to give and people are grateful for that. I once saw you help someone you did not know. You were so kind and generous and very thoughtful. when you give your word you mean it. Your skills and talents lay with the Angelic and Spiritual world. Do not hide or shy away from it. You developed your gift because you wanted to know more about us. You were hearing and seeing things. All of it was true. What you saw in your bedroom was an Angel of pure light. The connection is fading but I will come again my child.