I am happy to be here with you today. May God’s blessings lift you.
I have come to share my joy and peace with you. You have been searching for answers and I am here to help you.
God will take care of you the way that he has taken care of me Ann, I see you have been suffering and feel very alone and very lost.
Do not worry for we are always by your side and will never leave you. Look up to the Lord and he will see you. Say your prayers and he will hear you.
Before I came here, I too was a lonely child in the world and did not know where my life would lead me. Then I saw the lady, and everything changed for me. She taught me to be brave in the face of everyone not believing me or what I had seen or heard.
I have never told lies to people and my parents had taught me to be a good person and to be kind and thoughtful.
My mission on earth was a short one, but one that has left a legacy behind for others that come after me.
It was not about me, but about having faith in God and all he does and in the church. To seek out what we need to comfort our soul. Not all things are within our reach, but we must find ways to learn, trust and help our fellow people.
My job on earth was about learning, and forgiveness. People were very harsh to me and were very hurtful. I was mocked and ridiculed by so many. The lady kept me strong and in her I had the faith and courage to be who I really was.
I had poor health, but I never complained or spoke about the pain and suffering I had endured all these years. When I saw the lady, I was in a trance and I forgot all about my pain. It did not exist when she came, and when she went away again it returned.
Her image and love were something I had never experienced in life before. The warmth of her glow and her face was so beautiful. She loved me and everyone that came here.
I know your mother came here when she was extremely ill. We were here when she came. We gave her love and blessings and to you and your family as well. She was born a devout catholic and her faith stayed with her until the very end.
I will help you in your hour of need and will try and comfort you the best I can.
Thankyou for listening to my words today and for your faith in God.
Mary is with you always.